
Fertilizer for Home Grown Edibles

  • Revitalized Soil
  • Maximum Crop Yield
  • Increased Nutrient Value
  • Full Range of essential elements

Available in both 2kg and 5kg bags.


Product Details

Directions for use:

  • Wear suitable gloves when handling this product.
  • Clean all equipment before and after use.
  • Do not eat or drink using this product.
  • Water well after application.
  • Do not exceed application rate.
  • Use KynoVeg during soil preparation (see application)
  • Use Kyno Shrub, flower and fruit after planting (see application)


Application Guide:

Apply KynoVeg on top of the soil and mix thoroughly up to a depth of 200mm at the following rates:

Sweet potatoes, lettuce, carrots, beans, peas etc. 70g per m2
Eggplants, garlic, pumpkin, brussels, cabbage, cauliflower, peppers, beetroot, strawberries etc 80g per m2
Onions, squash, watermelon, melons etc 100g per m2

Apply Kyno Shrub, Flower & Fruit on top of the soil and lightly work in for after planting purposes at the following rates:

Sweet potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, peas 100g per m2
Peppers, beetroots, lettuce, beans 125g per m2
Eggplants, garlic, squash, peppers, brussels, cabbage, cauliflower, strawberries, watermelon and melons 150g per m2

1 scoop = 250g / 250ml       2 scoops = 500g / 500ml      Water thoroughly after application.


Product Composition


Kyno Plus 2:3:4 (25) Zn Impreg + TE

55.5g/kg N + 83.3g/kg P + 111.1g/kg K + 90 g/kg S + 28g/kg Ca + 27g/kg Mg + 60g/kg B + 540g/kg Fe + 180g/kg Cu + 10g/kg Mo + 1000g/kg Zn

Fertilizer Group 1

Sizes: 2kg & 5kg